Grief, i don't appear to have blogged for ages. Where has the time gone I wonder? Ah well, it may have flown, but plenty of good things have happened along the journey: a day of chat, knitting, teas, coffees, wine (!), food and laughter took place last Friday as
Diana and I had one of our meet ups. Such a lovely, perfect day as I knew it would be. We always find so much to say and the day honestly just flows, this time ending with a very late meal of Thai green curry which interrupted the frantic knitting taking place - Dave, me and Diana all clicking away for all we were worth.

We also managed a brief walk on Gyllynvase Beach where the ever-sociable Walter payed with new pals.

Other good things? Well knitting is still featuring fairly high on the list, so let's see where we are at (and apologies if this is deadly boring for some of you, but take heart as it could all turn to gardening or dressmaking at any moment knowing the way my butterfly mind works). Dave having finished his gorgeous jumper for Isabella has decided he wants to knit a summery top for me. I would like to point out at this point that I will neither look like the lithe blonde lady in the following picture, nor will I be seen modelling said garment with one thumb casually hooked over my bikini bottoms despite the cackling from Dave and Diana at the thought!

The 'wool' - Sirdar Surfer - is actually more like strips of fabric with an amazing stretchiness to it. Having been started on Friday night, the front is already almost complete. Very fast and very lovely. I am quite taken with this.

My boucle type charcoal horror is finally finished and now just needs me to sew it up, a job I will hopefully get to later today. Despite my moans about this wool - Sirdar Nomad - I must say I have fallen in love with the lightness of the finished pieces and can see it would make a very warm, soft jumper, but the jury is still out on whether I will actually like it once completed. Very hard to tell for some reason, but pictures to follow soon.

A trip into town saw the children once more sitting on the floor of the wool shop like all well trained dogs...er, children should do. I had intended to choose my next project in order to spur me on with the charcoal one, but Mr Davey spotted a hooded sweater he fancied and before I knew it I had agreed to knit it for him - fourteen blasted balls of wool worth! Yes, 14!!! Oh, but it is such gorgeous wool that I could hardly refuse could I?

Apart from knitting we have...cooked plenty of meals. I think this picture sums up life here with the girls helping to cook, glasses of Cava for me and Dave, and a plate of empty oyster sheels lurking nearby. Not a bad life really.

More walks are planned to take advantage of the beautiful sunshine which keeps appearing, warming the courtyard and even suggesting a sit down without coats could be possible.

No doubt the beach will feature.

And hopefully gardening will also take place with the breaking of buds and the wonderful early spring light shining through new growth.

What have you planned for the week ahead?

Bye for now x