The week is flying by and has been full of many things: the beach - of course - on one of the few absolutely gorgeous days. A day of eating an absolutely enormous picnic made by Dave, feeding appetites sharpened by running in and out of the sparkling blue sea...
and body-boarding in the gentle ripples.
A day where my Sam decided to join us as he was leaving for Belgium to stay with his sister the next day. He had only been back from New Zealand for a week after a stay of several months, so it was lovely to have him all to ourselves before he disappeared once more. He will probably have the shock of his life if he sees himself here, though he is an incredibly laid back chap and I can't get hold of him to ask anyway!
The wekk has also consisted of frantic cleaning of the house ready for a visit from Ginny of Sweet Myrtle and her lovely girls, and Diana of Pebbledash accompanied by Walter who behaved impeccably (despite being terrified of our two cats!). I cannot show any pictures as we made a pact, though there is a lovely one of us comparing noses which I was tempted to put here! Such a lovely, perfect day of eating and chatting and laughing, where Mr Davey fed us with homemade bread, tortilla, pasta, scones, pasties...oh the list was endless and lunch drifted into dinner. Diana and Ginny brought heaps of goodies too: delicious homemade hoummus (not sure of spelling) and egg mayonnaise and peppers; again, the list was pretty extensive and so we all did it justice, particularly Lucy!
Quick photo of the scarlet poppies in place of us! It truly was a very special day and the first time I had met Ginny who was just as gorgeous as I had thought she would be, arriving with the most beautiful gifts for us all (whereas my plans had all gone completely awry to my utter mortification. It will be rectified girls, I promise!). Lucy has lived in her strawberry tee shirt, even wearing it to a writing workshop the very next day, so thank you Ginny. The children all got on so well and were glimpsed screeching their way up and down the corridor from time to time with great smiles on their pretty faces. Lucy really loved it and Isabella was the quietest I have EVER known her!
Yesterday, Tom showed us one of the shell pictures he has been working on. He wanted to bring out the subtle colours of mussels, the mauves and blues and charcoals with the pearly insides reflecting the shimmer of light. Unfortunately the light was very flat yesterday and so these photos do not do it justice, but he is going to take more on the seashore when the weather improves.
Such a beautiful pattern which highlights the swirls we associate subconciously with the ocean: the swirl of ever-moving currents and waves
of rippling sands moved by the shushing waters dancing on the shore
the swirl at the centre of shells of many colours, shapes and sizes, all having that tactile quality that makes us run a finger over the surface
I think it is beautiful and foresee a new business starting here ...well done Tom x
That's me for today. Have a lovely Thursday x