Friday, 3 February 2012

A Golden Morn.

How beautiful this weather is: cold, cold, cold with golden light and signs of the coming spring all around. The cold is preferable to rain as far as I'm concerned but mittens are needed for sewing as my fingers get so chilly. The sunrise this morning caught my eye and ceased the school run preparations for just a moment.

It felt so good to bathe for the shortest while in that rich golden light before the icy air chased me back indoors.

I love the almost misty quality of these bronze-burnished branches against that soft blue.

I grabbed the camera on my way out and popped down to one of my old haunts. Penryn River is somewhere I have posted many photos of in the past and it felt time I visited again to capture the early morning light on this pretty spot.

Soft; golden; misty; ethereal...

poetic words drifted through my mind echoing the lazy flight of the river birds as they glided over the frozen banks.

And look just how very frozen those banks were. It always intrigues me to see such hard frost so close to sea water, but look how the sun has gilded the tips of the trees with its Midas touch.

Beautiful Cornwall at her best.

And now I must leave the river and return to work, albeit with a poorly little Isabella and her very chesty cough to keep me company, poor soul.

I hope you enjoyed a Friday morning nostlagia trip along the river banks. x


  1. Oh I did enjoy tht but am glad to get back indoors to a hot drink now! Beautiful photos as always Pipany. Hope Isabella is better soon.

  2. Gorgeous pictures - as you say, we are *so* lucky! x

  3. I love Penryn too. My other half is from Falmouth and his brother lives in Penryn - best I remember my camera next time I'm down.

  4. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! How peaceful and stunning your photos looks like a lovely start to your day, hope your wee bean is soon on the mend.

    Love Julia x x x

  5. Ethereal pics indeed and I did enjoy them all so much. Hoping Isabella's cough is better soon.

  6. Amazing photos - how lovely to be by water. Am very excited to say that I will be seeing the sea this month & I can't wait!

  7. Beautiful photos - they made me yearn to be in Cornwall. My in laws live not far from your shots and Cornwall in the winter is my favourite place to be. Stay warm! XX

  8. Your photos have definitely cheered me up. I hate February and I seem to be hating it more this year than usual. Have had a very pretty snowfall in the night though so I am off out in the garden to take some pics. Keep warm and hope Isabella feels better very soon. Karen X

  9. beautiful pictures - such a wonderful golden light that is so Cornwall-y. Hope your little Isabella is feeling better x
