The holidays are almost over and finally the sun has returned. It usually does for September doesn't it? Hopefully plenty of after-school trips to the beach will be the pattern of our days, a time to enjoy the quiet of the autumn sun with the beautiful backdrop of sparkling sea. In the meantime, a visit from our lovely friend Diana who arrived bearing the most amazing gifts: bags of gorgeous fabrics (woohoo!!) and these beautiful Rip City dahlias grown in her own garden.
I am a huge fan of dahlias, increasingly so as the years roll by. The beauty of the velvety petals and the depth of that saturated colour just take my breath away. Don't you just want to sink into those sumptuous petals?
In the afternoon we headed off to Coombe in search for Kea plums
and there they were heaped in all their blue-black gorgeousness by the riverside.
Now, I know I have frequently waxed lyrical about the loveliness of Coombe so please feel free to fast-forward as i do so again for I cannot possibly tell you just how beautiful this place is with the monbretia banks by quaint sheds
tiny orchards of heavily laden fruit trees
tidal river which both Isabella and Walter decided to wade into. Isabella walked for ages with her wellies full of water and lent a peculiar squelching sound to those of the river birds calling hauntingly in the background.
Everywhere overhead were boughs of Kea plums, the ground below positively littered with them as we gathered (and ate) as many as we could carry.
One totally blissed out dog!
It really is
so very
very beautiful isn't it? A huge meal later and much chat and Diana headed home for Penwith once more. Such a perfect day and hopefully not too long till the next, dear Diana x
Before I go, this was the result of Isabella's butterfly cakes made the other day and eaten within minutes it seemed.
Not much left on the cake stand for a photograph as they were very delicious.
Have a happy day x