The Notonthehighstreet winter catalogue is now out

and look what is appearing in it amongst many other gorgeous goodies.

Can you see it? Yes, that's right, it's my Garden Journal Notebook! Fortunately for me NOTHS have photographed it far better than I have photographed this catalogue. I am in a bit of a hurry and thus I have just aimed the camera and clicked with no consideration for light quality, camera focus, etc. Still, I hope you get the gist and can tell how pleased I am.

My little business is forging ahead and coming up to yet another Christmas. It seems strange to think back to when I began it; Isabella was a little - very little - baby and I often could have cried with the difficulties of working and feeding her and so on, BUT the upside was that I knew I loved what I did and knew that time moves on, that things would hopefully become easier. And they have.

Actually, honesty makes me think through that: while s
ome things are easier, other difficulties have arisen. Isabella needs as much time as ever as she grows and while she is now at school in the mornings, it means my time is torn between sewing and racing to pick her up, the afternoons filled with a mix of working and playing with her all at once in the same way as I did when she was tiny. And of course, there are all the other 'children' who still need you sometimes whatever their age (thank goodness).

It is easy to feel guilty when Isabella wants me to stop and play, the orders piling up as she asks for another story, but somehow we manage and I consider myself lucky. I am doing what I want, running my own steadily growing business and working away on my designs, bringing up my children and hopefully instilling a little determination in them by example, for I truly do believe the world is your oyster if you work at it, even if the pearl inside isn't quite the pearl you thought it would be. With a little adapting of mindset it just may be an even better one than the one you started out searching for.

Golly, that really wasn't what I set out planning to put in this post, but I guess it was somewhere in the back of my mind. Perhaps I needed to remind myself that when the next weeks get manic there is such a good reason for it. Anyhoo, forgive my little ramble and look at what my sweet girl has been up to as I type...

A gift of some beads from a friend and she is in seventh heaven.

In fact, she has just told me she is a 'genius' as she held her new make up for me to see!

So, another weekend beckons and I have new wool to play with (though of course I must get The Dratted One finished first - nearly completed second sleeve Davey, but oh how you will owe me treats for this. Fourteen balls of wool indeed!)

And I had better let this poor chap out too before he buzzes himself to death.

Have a lovely weekend x