Well, the holidays are here...hooray! I have my holiday jar at the ready (first told of last year in a few places on my blog) and will top it up with some new ideas in readiness for days of rain or days of not-sure-what-to-do-ness. I honestly recommend having one of these for anyone, whether children are around, visitors are visiting or just because it's a fun way of deciding what to do with a spare hour or two.
I'm still hoping the children will pick out the piece of paper instructing us to obtain more ducks as poor Biscuit's attempts at motherhood ended with precisely nothing and we really could do with another couple. Come to that, the piece of paper with 'buy some hens' is sounding pretty good too (or any of the 'make a kite', 'build a fort', 'bake a cake' ones would do).
Anyhow, onto other things; I, spoilt soul that I am, am being taken away to Italy for a week - yes, that's right, a whole complete week - by my lovely Mr Davey who booked us into a hotel in Bologna as a surprise. Having arranged childcare with our fabulous friend (for we are going to be childfree for the first time ever for more than a couple of days & we've never been abroad together either) and sorted the flight, I was presented with a fait accompli. I AM SO SERIOUSLY EXCITED!!!
Now I won't bore you with the fact that Bologna is the culinary capital of Italy or that it has a seriously wonderfully romantically historic background full of art and food and art and food and cloisters and old, old architecture and so much more; nor will I bore you with the fact that our hotel is right in the centre with a candlelit rooftop restaurant which looks across the Piazza Maggiore at two medieval towers (which apparently lean more than the one in Pisa).
Instead I will say that I can't quite believe this is me going away with my darling, wonderful, gorgeous Davey and that I will try very, very hard to damp down my deep-seated feelings of worry/guilt at leaving my babies behind - and yes, sadly I include them all in that, from the 27 year old to the 23, the 21 year old to the 20, the 14 year old to the 12 to the four year old that is little Isabella. They are all excited for us and the older ones really do wish I would accept they are adults!
The sewing will cease for a little with the last order leaving the sewing room today. It has been amazingly busy of late with everything from notebooks to bunting - five metres of which was sent out just this morning, the order having come in at eleven o'clock last night when I thought I was safe! The year so far has been a brilliant one for my business and I feel excited at the thought of a break, but equally excited to get back to all the things I have planned for the rest of the pipany year.

I must stop my rambling now and go, but before I say 'bye for now', I must just let you know that I will be holding a giveaway on my return. It may be for one of my 'Lavender and Bees Notebooks'
or some bunting
or some other item from my website
I haven't really decided but will give it some serious thought while I am away...honest!
I will now cease posting ridiculously random pictures which have nothing whatsoever to do with the text (which is no surprise as the text struggles to make any sense at all) and say bye for now and have fun while I'm away. See you for the giveaway.
Byeeee x