I thought a little Christmas giveaway would be a nice way to end the week - yay, it's Friday! - but first a catch-up on what's been going on here in sunny Cornwall. Yes, at last we had wonderful, healing, glorious sunshine which bathed the harbour in golden light.

I took these pictures on a very short trip into town with Isabella who has been very poorly. She loves to see the boats and, as I think I have mentioned many times before, is something of a water baby. The beautiful sunlit water cheered us both after being housebound yet again this week. My poor, sweet girl seems to have had one thing after another this winter, but is on the mend now (fingers crossed). I moved into the kitchen for the week with my work and Isabella sat threading beads, keeping me company once she was over the worst and chatting quietly about all things Christmassy.

Orders had flowed steadily in and were tackled in a calm manner. It's amazing how a child with a roaring temperature throws everything into perspective isn't it? Once I would have panicked each time my email inbox revealed another order had arrived - how would I do it with a sick child? What if the order was late? What if she wouldn't let me leave her side? Now I just sit next to her and embroider, count myself lucky that I have orders at all when so many I know are struggling and treat it like I do everything else, knowing that you just work away until things are sorted. No point in the panic really is there? Of course, I might add that it does help that I managed to get well ahead in the stock-piling before she will ill with boxes of cut out goods and embroidered pieces waiting to be put together. Must remember that being organised is a Good Thing!

Other elements of life went on much the same as ever. I am proud as can be to be able to say that I am still making all our own bread and have not bought any since the beginning of the summer holidays. I fact, I would go so far as to say that it is a necessary part of my days now, the kneading and working of the dough being a time for reflection and thought as much as writing my blog seems to be, freeing up the creative part of my mind ready for the day ahead. I'm not saying it is always like that (I am often baking blasted rolls at night because
SOMEONE has scoffed the last few intended for lunches the next day - mentioning no names Dave), but when it runs like it is supposed to I can't imagine ever buying bread again. Simple pleasures in providing for your family aren't there?

Life is now back to normal with me re-instated in my seing room and focussing on work once more, but I felt a little fun was needed and so on to my little giveaway. I thought it would be nice to offer one of these Christmassy hearts, the catch being - there's always a catch isn't there? - that you have to tell me one thing you would like to achieve by the end of next year. It could be something craft-based: I hope to start crocheting again, something I haven't done since I was a very young child; it could be something life-changing/enhancing such as spending one night a week pampering yourself or changing jobs or starting your own business; in fact in could be anything big or small that you hope to achieve. My plan is that roughly this time next year I will post a link on my blog back to this post and you will be able to see if you actually did manage what you hoped to. Does that make sense?

Obviously this is supposed to be fun and I do not intend for you to feel like a colossal failure if you
haven't done what you set out to do! It just struck me that it could be a lovely and hopefully inspiring way to get something done, and to have a laugh at some of the funnier suggestions I'm sure will arrive. The downside is that you will have to pop over
here to let me know which of the four Christmas themed hearts you want should your name be drawn: one of these
Peace Hearts
or one of this
silvery-threaded pair.
So, that's it - I will make this a quick one with the closing date for comments on this post at 10am Monday 14th December so that I can post it the same day. Usual rules: open to all-comers whether you have never visited before, never commented before (always lovely to meet new people) or are a regular visitor. The more the merrier.

Golly, my posts get ever-longer and for this I do apologise and will try to make them shorter and less waffly in future! In the meantime, let's hope for more sunshine and think about what you want to achieve next year.
Have a great weekend x