I'm afraid today's pictures may bear little resemblance to the subject matter of this post; I have been so very hopeless at taking my camera anywhere lately and so possibly will have to troll old archives to give you the gist of what I am wittering on about. For example, I have no pictures to show you just how sparklingly beautiful Swanpool Beach was this morning as Isabella and I sat on the warm sand to while away the time before nursery, but it did look a lot like this ...

Nor have I photos to show you the three ducks which surfed the lazy waves as we laughed at the sight of their little legs furiously paddling, visible to us with each glass-clear rise of the jade waters until they finally beached just in front of where we sat. They waddled up to us and sat companionably chatting right beside our sandy spot. if I moved my hand I would have stroked the silky back of each one of them. After a quiet moment or two they picked themselves up and continued on their walk, crossing the road and ambling back to the Swanpool after which the beach is named. No, no photos typically.

To add further to the general failings of my photography I also have little in the way of images to show you the lovely Friday I spent with dear Diana, my very special friend of
Pebbledash fame. No pics of our knitting, the gorgeous doughnuts Diana bought for us to scoff or the wine now long since consumed (how well she knows me!) or the laughing over the subject of tailor's dummies and their possibly inappropriate names - too embarrassed to share the childishness of my humour with you just now, but the name I have bestowed on mine makes
me laugh!! I did manage to snap Walter for his fan club however.

Diana also made this beautiful notebook for me using her own images and binding the different papers inside it herself. It is so lovely and I have already jotted little notes to myself in it: things and words that pop into my head at any given time which I like the sound of. Thank you so much for such a lovely day Diana x

And now for some things I did photograph today. The courtyard outside the girls' bedroom holds pots of all kinds and is where we sit sipping wine, though today I took an early cup of coffee there to hide away for a quiet five minutes before breakfast bedlam hit yet again...bliss.

I love these bellis so much.

The view from the bathroom looks through the cherry blossom to Davey's writing room with its bright red tulips beneath the apple and plum trees giving it the air of a child's drawing.

Incidentally, this was also the view from the bathroom window today : a little girl desperately trying to open an umbrella on a very blustery day.

Oh the utter...


A quick look at how the garden is coming on reveals gorgeous cherry blossom

the first of the bluebells opening along the bank to form a carpet mixed with garlic flowers and primroses

Bright, bright tulips contrasting with the zingy green rhubarb leaves

A pretty spot to rest on a bench, apple blossom scenting the air and soft grass underfoot.

A daisy, a daisy for my lady's hair ...

Hope your Tuesday is going well x