We have just had a lovely weekend which has left me feeling charged up and ready for the week ahead. It has been a busy time, but mostly with things that were enjoyable such as my photography lesson with Dave which resulted in me spending most of Saturday lurking in the hedges trying to capture shots of the ducks in a Bellamy meets Bailey fashion. I was supposed to be working but needed the practice; unfortunately I got carried away as I tend to do when aquiring a new skill and even Lucy became tired of posing for her Mummy. Ah well...
Dave had one of his many Here is Something I could Do moments and created doors for the kitchen cupboard complete with routed border, painted them and put gorgeous brushed chrome handles on which he picked up for an amazing £1.00 each (originally £6.00!). I am sooo pleased and he is going to do the other cupboard next weekend. He also...painted most of the woodwork in the kitchen, made a figgy pudding, took the little girls (as opposed to the older girls) out shopping to look at teddies (per Lucy's request!) and cooked the roast yesterday. What a star he is!
I did my bit (sounding a tad guilty eh) and cooked some meals, sewed, helped Lauren with her textile project before she went back to Uni after a brief visit, played cards and was soundly trounced by Lucy the Card Shark, and probably did lots of other things far too boring to mention! Lots of sitting round eating lovely meals, slurping wine and warming by the fire seemed to take place, although the not-so-saintly Dave had lobbed some of the logs at the badger who was winding the ducks up at the dead of night (yes, I know badgers are lovely, but when you've had one rip the living lights out of one of your hens you don't feel quite so giving). Don't think he'll be back in a hurry - the badger that is, not Dave!
I also picked the Black Prince marigolds above as I thought the frost would get them; hah, what was I thinking? This is South Cornwall and the frost never arrived, hence there are even more flowers out there today. Not a bad photo though I say so myself!
Have a good day xx